The Yellow Tree
Company/Organization Information
If you can not complete the registration online, please contact us at
[email protected]
Indicates required field
Company Name
The Company/Organization is a Not for profit Organization
Company Mailing Address
Postal Code
Company Phone Number (inc. area code)
Name of the On-Site Contact Person who will be naming your booth during the Festival
Company Fax Number (if applicable)
Contact Person’s Cell Phone
Contact Person’s Email address
Describe the sorts of information/services/products that you will provide at your booth
Booth Request: Please indicate only one of the following two options
Not for Profit Costs
Single Booth (1-2 Tables) $100.00
Double Booth (3-4 Tables) $200.00
Commercial Organization Costs
Single Booth (1-2 Tables) $200.00
Double Booth (3-4 Tables) $300.00
Booth Request: Please indicate if you need Electricity and Wi-Fi
Booth Request: Please indicate if you have any other booth amenity needs (in 500 characters)
This is where vendor’s requests a second table, a second electrical outlet (Maximum 500 characters)
How will you be paying for your booth?
Cheque sent by mail
Credit Card Payment Form Faxed/Emailed to
[email protected]
Terms and Conditions
By writing
in the box below, you (the exhibitor”) accept full responsibility for all property with the exhibitor displays and is authorized to display during the course of the One Rock 2016 Festival, in the allocated booth in the Exhibit area.
All liability for loss or damage of such property whatsoever shall be the sole risk of the Exhibitor, notwithstanding that such loss or damage may have arisen through the inadvertent or negligent acts of any person, including any and all members of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary, Youth staff, One Rock Festival staff, subcontractors and Volunteers.
The exhibitor shall protect and save harmless the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary from and against any claim for any loss connected with or related to the presence and use of the One Rock Festival venue.
The furnishing of any service or assistance shall not be construed to be any assumption of obligation or duty with respect to eh protection of the property of the exhibitor, which shall at all times remain in the sole possession and custody of each exhibitor, and shall be the sole responsibility of each exhibitor.
The exhibitor acknowledges that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary One Rock 2016 Exhibit Policies have been read and understood.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary reserves the right to cancel booth registration and refund exhibitors at its sole discretion.
If you agree to the terms described above, please write YES in the text box
Download our "move in and move out procedures"
PDF for further details>
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